Friday, January 5, 2024

Utilizing Contingent Hire Agreements to Strengthen Workforce Depth

An option to recruit prospective employees and associates who have previously worked in businesses that have contracted with the government is by utilizing contingent hire agreements.  Such individuals prospectively bring expertise and qualifications with them and lend credibility to your enterprise proposals. 

A contingent hire agreement is one way to approach an experienced employee with the prospect of joining your firm at a later time when the business base is there to permit professional advancement. Under such an agreement the prospective employee agrees to contribute time and effort on a proposal for a new contract and is assured on paper by your company of a position on the project when it is awarded to your firm.  

Such arrangements are generally recognized by the government as a credible way for new or start-up businesses to grow and agencies will accept resumes of experienced professionals in proposals from small business contractors with signed contingent hire agreements even though the personnel may not yet be on the company payroll. 

Prospective employees of this type are often available from the retired or downsized ranks of  prime contractors. Be aware that government procurement integrity regulations apply. Individuals should not be considered who have a potential conflict of interest in the project you are bidding due to a former association with the buying agency in a source selection authority role as specified in FAR Section 3.104.

You can download a recommended free draft shell for this type of agreement from the right margin of this site at the BOX "References" cube.  Look for "Generic Contingent Hire Agreement"  in document list.  

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